When you attend a university like U of T – it’s easy to feel intimidated. Everyone you hear about is leading major research, juggling a job, president of their Jane Austen appreciation club and also is producing a new record with Majid Jordan – all at the same time. So, it’s tempting to want to do a billion things at the same time, run at 545445436 miles an hour. Until we burn out. We crash. We cry.
Guess what U of T – that’s happened to me. I’ve burned out, and it’s only Tuesday. Shit. Not only are you not working on things, you’re feeling shitty for not working on things. But I’ve learned over the years, after spending thirty minutes in my bathroom toilet crying over an exam in first year — that it’s okay to burn out. It’s okay to cry and get angry. It’s okay to listen to overdramatic Taylor Swift songs and lament for the days of high school.
But it’s also okay to grab a bunch of pillows, cookies and watch that episode of that trashy reality TV show you’ve been putting off. Despite the strong image that we all project (and you are all strong, fierce individuals), we all occasionally burn out. Every superhero has their kryptonite. Even myself, the high duchess emir of ASSULANDIA burned out.
We work too hard, so let’s all engage in some self care. I know I am.
You do you.