Entries by Administrator

Arbor Journal Call for Submissions

The Arbor Journal of Undergraduate Research is the leading undergraduate journal for the arts and science, seeking to publish, highlight, and celebrate the best of undergraduate arts and science research at the University of Toronto.

Arbor is now accepting submissions for its second edition! If you are interested in submitting an article for consideration, the deadline for submissions is Friday, October 9th at 11:59pm.

ASSU Fall 2020 Office Hours

As classes begin this week the ASSU Office in Sid Smith will be reopening to serve those students who are on campus. Our office will have reduced hours to start the term, but we will be evaluating them as the month goes on.

ASSU Office Closure

Due to the cancellation of in-person classes and the need to contain the spread of COVID-19, the ASSU Office will be closed from March 16th to April 3rd. We will […]

Congratulations to our Award Winners!

Congratulations to our Leadership Award Winners! These students demonstrate the amazing work and leadership that students in the Faculty of Arts and Science accomplish. Thank you everyone who applied to be a leadership award winner this year. It was an incredibly competitive year and the scholarship committee had a difficult time deciding on the winners.