Entries by Administrator

Spring 2023 Election Candidate Statements

Here are the statements from candidates in our Spring 2023 Executive Elections. ASSU Council will elect one (1) President and four (4) Executives at the March Council meeting. These successful candidates will serve from May 1st 2023 to April 30th 2024. There will also be a Fall By-Election to elect two (2) more Executives at the end of September or early October.

2023-2024 ASSU Election Nominations

ASSU Election Nominations are now open! Are you looking to get more involved in your education? Getting involved with the ASSU Executive is a great way to make your mark on academic life here in at the University of Toronto.

Statement on Recent TTC Attacks

We, a collection of elected student groups at the University of Toronto, are deeply disturbed by the recent attacks and security incidents at the TTC. Hitting closest to home was the attack on a first year architecture student at Sussex Avenue, just at the edge of our St. George campus.