Get to Know your 2024-25 ASSU Executive!

Firdaus Sadid, President

Hi ArtSci!
My name is Firdaus, and I am a second-year Life Sciences student, thrilled to serve another year on ASSU. I look forward to advocating for students during meetings with the Office of the Dean, as well as helping students during my office hours. In my free time, you can catch me playing chess and board games at Morrison Hall, reading Stephen King, playing soccer, and hosting events at University College!

If you have any questions or would simply like to chat, please don’t hesitate to drop by SS 1068
or email me at: firdaus[at]assu[dot]ca — I enjoy meeting new people!

Michelle Wong, Executive

Hi everyone!

My name is Michelle, and I am a second-year Life Sciences student. I am excited and honoured to serve as one of your ASSU Executives this year! I look forward to building our Arts and Science community through ASSU events and initiatives and aim to create and share opportunities for students to gain academic and extracurricular experiences. In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano and long-distance running!

Remember that the ASSU is here for you! If you have suggestions or questions or would like to chat, feel free to drop by the office or email me at: michelle[at]assu[dot]ca

I’m looking forward to meeting you all!

Farida Kayed, Executive

Hey Art Sci!

My name is Farida, and I am second year double majoring in Pharmtox and Human Bio with a minor in immunology.  It is an honour to represent you and I am really excited to advocate for you at meetings with members of the Dean’s Office, make ASSU services accessible to you and empower our collective Arts and Science community!  To unwind, I draw/paint, play piano, basket ball, volleyball and host events across campus!

Got questions, need a chat, or just want to say hi? Drop by my office hours at SS 1068.📍 Feel free to reach out via email at farida[at]assu[dot]ca or dm me directly on Instagram @faridakayed, I love helping out and making new friends!

Mia Rodrigo, Executive


Safia Zaman, Executive

Email: safia[at]assu[dot]ca