Exam Jam is your one-stop exam prep and de-stressor day. Come out to get some healthy snacks, relax with some crafts and puzzles, attend a review session, and maybe even pet a cute dog!

Exam Jam is a joint event hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Science and ASSU in Sidney Smith Hall. It takes place every term after the end of classes and before final exams begin. The schedule is always changing so check back often and look for our updates on the ASSU social media feeds!

For exam dates and rules check out:

For help getting ready for your exams/exam study tips check out:

Review Sessions December 4th 2024

CHM 135CHM 135 Teaching TeamSS 21181pm-3pm
CHM 151A. DicksSS 107410am-12pm
CHM 210J. MurphySS 10881pm-2:30pm
FAH 207M. ColemanSS 107112pm-1:30pm
HMB 301N. Levy-StrumpfSS 10715pm-6:30pm
MAT 135A. AkdemirSS 107312pm-2pm
MAT 135G. HurdSS 10742pm-3pm
MAT 135M. KlambauerSS 21184pm-6pm
PHL 100D. AinslieSS 108810am-11:30am
MAT 240Y. ZhangSS 107412pm-1:30pm
PHY 131J. HarlowSS 210212pm-1pm
PHY 151D. JamesSS 210210am-11:30am
PSY 201P. SanchezSS 107110am-11:30am
PSY 100A. Waggoner DentonSS 211811am-1pm
PSY 220O. YimSS 10851pm-2pm
PSY 230W. RyanSS 211712pm-1:30pm
STA 355I. BaSS 10712pm-4pm