Nomination Forms and Election Rules

ASSU Election Nominations are now open! Are you looking to get more involved in your education? Getting involved with the ASSU Executive is a great way to make your mark on academic life here in at the University of Toronto.

We are accepting nominations for candidates to fill the roles of President (1) and Executive (4). Candidates will be elected during our March 21st ASSU Council Meeting. All full-time students in the Faculty of Arts and Science at the St. George Campus are eligible to run for our elections.

An ASSU executive, you play a crucial role in advocating for student interests, shaping the student experience, and contributing to a vibrant and inclusive campus community. As such, your dedication and leadership directly impacts the well-being of students on various issues both academic or otherwise. Here are the key roles and responsibilities an executive must commit to within their position:

• 4 hours of office hours every week wherein an executive is expected to oversee the ASSU office at #1068 Sidney Smith Hall. This includes interacting with any and all students who come to the office with academic or other questions, or in need of ASSU services such as exam packages or printing.

• 2 hours towards an ASSU executive and staff meeting every week where all parties discuss how to move forward ASSU’s various projects and priorities

• Attend monthly meetings with the Dean’s Office where executives must come prepared to advocate for current student issues.

• Attend monthly/bi-monthly Course Union meetings where all executives are expected to give a report on the initiatives they are working on within ASSU.

• A minimum of 3 hours per week dedicated towards projects (for example: ASSU’s Arbor journal, Undergraduate Research Conference or other such initiatives historically run by the leadership of Executives).

The ASSU executive role is not a paid position, however, executives receive an honorarium of $200 per month during the academic year and $100 per month during summer months as monetary recognition for their commitment to bettering the student experience at the University of Toronto.

For all the election rules and regulations, as well as the nomination forms themselves, click on the links below. For more information or questions please email:

Nomination forms are due by Thursday March 13th 2025 at 5:00pm